Snack Shack
The AVGSL Snack Shack is always a favorite with the players. For some, there's more anticipation and excitement waiting for their snack shack tickets than playing in the actual game. It's truely an expericence that our girls will cherish and remember for years to come. The AVGSL Board memebers in charge of the Snack Shack have gone to great lengths to make it a fun activity for our girls as well as a successful and thriving fundraiser for the league. The Snack Shack operates with 100% volunteer working parents. Please make sure that you do your part by meeting your team's obligations of providing parental workers. Let's all strive to make the Snack Shack a joyful and memorable experience for all.
SchedulingEach team is responsible for providing 2 volunteer parents to work the shifts they are scheduled to cover.
ProceduresFollowing are links to the operating procedures for both the Bret Harte and Graystone Snack Shacks. The procedures cover both opening and closing, pricing, and a few general rules. Please familarize yourself with the procedures prior to working in the snack shack.
Greystone Procedures Bret Harte Procedures |